Driving legislation

Max drive duration without break [legalMaxDriveDuration]

This constraint allows you to indicate the maximum drive time that the resource can undertake without a break.

Format: HH:MM


A resource may not drive more than 4 hours and 30 minutes continuously without a break, and so the Max drive duration without break = 04:30

Drive break duration (legalDriveRestDuration)

This constraint allows you to indicate the duration of the break or pause a resource should take when the resource has reached the maximum number of continuous driving hours before resuming their journey.

Format: HH:MM


A resource may not drive again if they have not taken a break lasting 45 minutes, and so Drive break duration = 00:45.

Drive break min duration (legalMinRestDuration)

This constraint allows you to indicate the Drive break min duration for it to be taken into account as rest time during a driving session.

Format: HH:MM

The Drive break duration constraint is not considered by TourSolver as working time. The duration of a working day is prolonged by the equivalent length of time.


A break is considered as a rest when it lasts upwards of 15 minutes, and so Drive break min duration = 00:15

Example: illustration of the Legal max driving duration + Legal driving break duration + Legal min rest duration constraints.

If Max drive duration without break = 04:30;
If Drive break duration = 00:45;
If Drive break min duration = 00:15;

This means the resource can drive for 4 hours and 30 minutes if they take 45 minutes break. This break can take the form of 3 15-minute pauses or one pause of 30 minutes and then another of 15 minutes, for example. Conversely, if the resource has taken 2 breaks of 20 minutes, and one of 10 minutes, they will be obliged to retake a break at least 15 minutes long in order to be allowed to drive 4 hours and 30 minutes, since the 10-minute break is not counted as a pause, since the duration is less than 15 minutes.

Drive break at customer (driveRestAtCustomer)

This constraint allows you to indicate whether the time spent at a visit is counted as rest time.

If the button is set to Disabled, the time is not counted as rest time;
If the button is set to Enabled, the time is counted as rest time.

Drive break at depot (driveRestAtDepot)

This constraint allows you to indicate whether the time spent at the site for a reloading operation is considered as rest time.

If the button is set to Disabled, the time is not counted as rest time;
If the button is set to Enabled, the time is counted as rest time.

Daily drive time (legalDailyDriveDuration)

This constraint allows you to indicate the maximum drive time that the resource can perform without staying away overnight for one day. This constraint allows you to indicate the maximum accumulated drive time the resource can undertake without staying the night away in one day. At the end of this driving time as specified, the resource must take a break of duration as specified under Legal night rest duration.

Format: HH:MM


A resource cannot drive more than 9 hours without a night break, so Daily drive time = 09:00

Night out rest duration (legalDailyRestDuration)

This constraint allows you to indicate the duration of the night break taken by a resource, when the Daily drive time is exceeded.

Format: HH:MM


A resource cannot drive again if they have not had a night of at least 4 hours, so Night out rest duration = 04:00.