
Page layout Widgets

Widgets in the Page layout category


This widget does not offer any functionalities to speak of. It allows the administrator to have access to a tool for classifying and grouping widgets in a well-defined structure. Certain properties can be applied to this widget and are listed below;

[Note] Note


  • Visible: serves to show the outline (border) and the background of the pane in the cartographic portal
  • Background colour: this allows you to customise each panel of widgets independently, defining a background colour via a colour palette (Color Picker).
Widget aggregation

The purpose of this widget is to facilitate the manipulation of widgets by suggesting how to regroup them.

Position the Aggregation widget in the portal, and then move the selected widgets on to it. Click on the gcweb-reference-img/guide-reference/widget_agregation_001.png icon to view the group of aggregated widgets and edit their properties. To delete a widget from the aggregate group, simply select it and click on the trash can in the Composer.

[Note] Note


  • Number of columns: this enables you to choose the display used for the different tools as a function of the number of columns.
  • Orientation: orientation of the window containing these functionalities, deployment on the right-hand or the left-hand.
Aggregation Widget at 5 columns and with a Right-hand orientation

Standard Widgets

Standard category widgets

[Tip] Tip

Available in mobile/responsive mode.

The Home Page widget allows the user to return to the initial status of their mapping portal in terms of geographic position. If the user has consulted many different positions at different zoom levels, the simple fact of clicking on this functionality will bring them back to the initial view of the portal.

[Tip] Tip

The initial view corresponds to parameters that have been defined during step 4 of the mapping portal creation Wizard; the user indicates in the drop-down menu containing positions inherited from their Geoconcept map, whether they want the first connection to display a global view of the map, or one map position in particular.

[Tip] Tip

Available in mobile/responsive mode.

This button allows you to delete all the temporary elements displayed in the map, such as the vector objects, measurements of distances or areas, the drawing of polygons or even selections made. The option Enable selective reset of widgets allows to choose which widgets must be reinitialized (Query, Annotations, Geocoding, Isochrons, Route).

Reset widget settings

[Tip] Tip

Available in mobile/responsive mode.

This functionality allows the user to exit from the portal and switch to a new internet page.

[Note] Note


  • redirection address: supplies an internet address mentioning the section "http://…" for example: http://www.geoconcept.com.

Activating this widget allows you to move around the map using the mouse.


Activating this widget allows you to apply a zoom to a rectangle plotted using the mouse in the web application. The facility to zoom with the mouse wheel and with the zoom cursor are available at any time in the application.

[Tip] Tip

Available in mobile/responsive mode.

This functionality allows the user to exit from the portal and switch to a new internet page.

(fr) L’infobulle autorise la navigation entre les différents objets trouvés sous le clic ou en survol. Dans le coin inférieur droit de l’infobulle, quatre boutons permettent la navigation d’un objet à l’autre. Les deux flèches centrales ont pour rôle de faire défiler les objets un à un tandis que les flèches extérieures permettent d’accéder rapidement au premier ou au dernier des objets.

(fr) Exemple d’affichage d’une mini-fiche si plusieurs objets trouvés

In addition, for objects stored in the Geoconcept map, it is possible to automatically retrieve the geometry of the object selected for it to display over the rasterised map.

Example of the display of an infobox with retrieval of the geometry

(fr) La consultation des fiches peut être filtrée en fonction des couches affichées dans le portail pour ne choisir que les fiches d’objets appartenant à une couche en particulier.

(fr) Filtre sur les infobulles

[Note] Note


  • Report: (cf. Report Widget);
  • Display geometry: to display the geometry of objects, it will be necessary to also enable the Identifier field in the Geoconcept infobox (it will not appear in the attributed form of the object).
  • Display an infobox when the mouse passes over it: this option will allow activation of the infobox by simply passing over it, without clicking in the map.
  • (fr) Epaisseur de la bordure / de la ligne : cette option permet de faire varier l'épaisseur du contour ou de la ligne de l’objet inspecté (si l’option Afficher la géométrie est cochée).
  • (fr) Couleur : permet de choisir la couleur de l’objet inspecté.
  • (fr) Utiliser des popups ayant une position fixe à l'écran permet de déporter l’infobulle affichée. La position initiale de l’infobulle est à définir (bas gauche, bas droit, haut gauche ou haut droit). Cette infobulle peut ensuite être déplacée sur la carte. Ce paramètre ne peut pas être combiné à l’option Afficher une infobulle en survol.
Single layer manager

This widget serves to add a Layers manager. The layers are those defined in the Wizard. Through the intermediary of ths layers manager, the end user can choose the layer they want to display and refine and adjust its transparency.

The layers display exclusively. There are two possible scenarios:

  • no group has been defined in the Wizard: all the layers appear at the place where the widget has been positioned. A click on a layer opens it in the portal.
Single layer manager without creation of groups

  • a series of groups have been defined: the name of the group appears at the place where the widget has been positioned. A click on one of the groups opens the list of available layers. The screen is divided up into as many layers as there are layers defined (if only one layer has been defined in a group, the layer displays directly). A click on a layer opens it in the portal.
A Simple layer manager with creation of groups

In both cases, a horizontal slider allows you to navigate between the layer defined in the current view and the selected layer.

[Note] Note


  • Automatic legend: (cf. the chapter dedicated to Legends).
Advanced layers manager
[Tip] Tip

Available in mobile/responsive mode.

This widget allows you to add a layer manager. The layers are those defined in the Wizard. Via the intermediary of this layers manager, the end user will be able to choose the layer or layers they want to display, the order or sequence in which they appear, and then adjust their opacity to achieve the desired effect.

This is a layers manager with a succession of layers that can be enabled as required by checking the relevant check-box. It will be possible to superpose several layers, one on top of another. The order of the layers can be modified by the end user.


  • Display or mask all layers with the check-box at the top of the layer manager
  • Display or mask all layers at the level of the group with the check-box in front of the group name
  • Fold or unfold all the groups and layers using + and - at the top of the layer manager
  • (fr) Afficher une couche selon un filtre : les filtres peuvent être créés dans l’assistant (onglet Couches)
  • Re-order groups / layers using the gcweb-reference-img/guide-reference/widget-gestionnaire-couches-avances-drag.png tool
  • Display all layer information by clicking on gcweb-reference-img/guide-reference/widget-gestionnaire-couches-avances-engrenage.png (opacity, metadata, legend)
Preview in the advanced layers manager


This Widget is available in mobile mode, it has a specific interface that does not allow any changes to be made to the order and transparency of the layers.

Preview in the advanced layers manager on mobile

[Note] Note


  • Save the map views: allows users, if the property is enabled, to be able to save their own map views while adjusting how they are displayed, the order and level of transparency for each layer. These configurations are saved in the user contexts, and can be managed from the context menu.
  • Automatic legend: (cf. the chapter dedicated to Legends).
  • Metadata label: Name of the link displayed in the layer manager. Default “link”.

The url for metadata is defined in the Administration ▸ Layers ▸ Tiled layers ▸ Layer definition page for tiled layers, Administration ▸ Layers ▸ Vector layers ▸ Single layer info for vector layers, or Administration ▸ Layers ▸ Composite layers ▸ Group info for groups of layers, under metadata url. If the url has no value assigned to it, the “link” is not displayed in the layer manager.

  • Height: Height of the layer manager, defined as a percentage (eg 100percent) or in pixels (eg 400px). If the layer manager exceeds the defined height, a scroll bar displays.
  • Width: Width of the layer manager, defined as a percentage (eg 100percent) or in pixels (eg 400px)
  • Automatic legend size: Enables optimization of the legend image display.
Full screen

This widget provides a functionality for switching the mapping application into full screen mode.

[Tip] Tip

Available in mobile/responsive mode.

This widget enables users consulting a mapping portal to have access to a specific document. The addition of the document is defined in Documents lateral menu.

Once the map portal has been published, users can download the document with a click on the widget.

[Note] Note


  • Document: allows you to choose the document to associate to the widget.
[Tip] Tip

You can associate all types of documents: PDF, Image, Word / Excel / TXT files, etc.

[Tip] Tip

Available in mobile/responsive mode.

This functionality opens the messaging client to send an email to a contact, the email address for which, by default, has been configured in the @(Administration / Settings / Widgets / Mail / Administrator mail portal) menu@ section.

[Note] Note


  • Mail: allows you to customize the email recipient.
Text scale
[Tip] Tip

Available in mobile/responsive mode.

The Text scale is a functionality that completes the graphic scale proposed by default when publishing a portal (it is located at the bottom left of the screen).

This Text Scale breaks down into two modes:

  • the first in the form of a simple text display. Depending on the level of zoom at which the user finds themselves, the text zone indicates the scale in numeric format that will have been configured previously in the Geoconcept map via the user’s desktop solution.
  • the second in the form of a list summarising all the scales configured as a function of the zoom level, as in the desktop version of Geoconcept. There are therefore 12 scales corresponding to the 12 levels of zoom that are proposed to the user.
Display of the Text scale widget in text format and in list format

[Note] Note


  • In the Composer, the user can simply activate the display of the widget in the form of text or list.

Navigation widget

Widgets in the Navigation category

[Warning] Warning
  • A reference table or activation of an external service (Bing, Here, …) is required.
  • TO use autocompletion, certain files are required. These files can be supplied by Geoconcept, but it is also possible to generate your own autocompletion files from your map data, see the appendix autocompletion.
  • Autocompletion files generated by versions of Geoconcept Web earlier than 6.0 are no longer compatible with this version. To continue to use this function you will need to either generate the files following the instructions given in the autocompletion, appendix, or to request them from GEOCONCEPT.
[Tip] Tip

Available in mobile/responsive mode.

This module enables the user to centre the map on an address that they will have entered earlier in the appropriate field.

The Geocoder widget can be configured in two ways:

  • the user fills an Address field, and validates;
  • the user inputs their address in a free field, and in parallel, the autocomplete module suggests a series of close match results as the text is input at the keyboard.

The configuration of the operating mode takes place in the widget properties.

For versions of Geoconcept Web later than version 5.2 it will be possible to specify several geocoding repositories, either one per country, or one per object typology (towns, management teams, …). Reminder: the Geoconcept Web Enterprise version is supplied with UGC Builder, that allows design of geocoding repositories).

[Note] Note


  • Default zoom: defines the level of zoom desired when the result of geocoding is displayed on the map.
  • Display:

    • classical: the user should enter the component items making up the address that are known (street number, street name, post code and/or town name) and then click on OK to display a list of results that match the terms indicated,
    • Autocomplete: when you select this option, the tool will suggest a list of results as the input takes place. Files of data to aliment the autocomplete function will, of course, be needed, as will the reference table,
  • Default town: limits the search to one particular town,
  • Default Post code: the same thing for a default town. This allows you to focus your search on a particular post code. By indicating only the two first figures of a post code, the searches are centred on the defined department.
  • Field size: the dimensions of fields displayed can be configured by increasing or reducing the value.
  • Definition of country: allows the user to choose from the different configured repositories configured by the administrator. For more details, consult the chapter entitled World geocoding.
  • Multiple fields: this allows you apply geocoding to individual components of an address being searched for (Address, Post code, Town) in a separate field. Each component can be activated independently of the others. This makes it possible, for example, to search on the Post code alone.
Autocomplete result

[Tip] Tip

Available in mobile/responsive mode.

This is a widget enabling retrieval of the position of the mouse cursor and display of the coordinates. The administrator must define whether the user retrieves the coordinates of the point clicked, or the coordinates of a flyover. They must then specify the projection systems that the user could choose. By default, the coordinates displayed will be those of the current map.

If no system is chosen in this drop-down list, the coordinates will be displayed in the map’s system.

[Note] Note


  • Display: allows a choice between Flyover or Mouse-click mouse modes.
  • Mode de bouton: allows you to choose the widget’s behaviour: Tool the widget is closed when another widget is used, Switch the widget remains active when another widget is used.
  • Choice of projections: allows you to choose the projection systems (more than 50) made available to the user: WGS 84, Lambert II Extended, Lambert 93, NTF, RGF93, Google Mercator, DFCI, MGRS, or even the different UTM zones.
  • Mobile Choice of projections tab: enables a choice of the projection system, among those proposed, for mobile usage.
[Warning] Warning

A graph or road network is necessary.

[Tip] Tip

Available in mobile/responsive mode. For the specificities particular to this widget, consult the chapter called Mobile.

This widget allows you to calculate a route between two points, adding if needed, extra intermediate route stops. The route calculated displays on the map in highlighted form, accompanied by a route sheet that summarises the various road sections to be followed.

There are two possible methods for creating a route;

  • with a click / drag-and-drop: hold down the left click of the mouse, and then move the green flag in the direction of the desired start point, then perform the same operation with the red flag in order to show the finish point. As soon as the click is no longer maintained in the hold-down position, the journey is automatically calculated.
  • entering addresses: fill the start address and finish address fields.

To add intermediate steps: perform a preliminary calculation and then click on the + button as many times as necessary.

From version 5.2 of Geoconcept Web and upwards, it is possible to specify several graphs and/or several vehicle profiles. The user then chooses the graph/profile of the vehicle desired in the interface, materialised by an icon. Reminder: the Geoconcept Enterprise desktop version allows you to construct graphs for the calculation of routes (.SITI).

Preview of the result of an itinerary calculation

[Note] Note


  • Display: allows you to choose from the 2 address input modes (standard or autocomplete). For the autocomplete mode, it will be necessary to have access to the files relating to the autocomplete function;
  • Field size: allows you to define the widget width;
  • default Zoom: defines the level of zoom desired when the geocoding result is displayed on the map;
  • Profiles: authorises the user to choose from several different graphs configured by the administrator. For more information consult the section called Road networks.
Positions History

This widget takes you back to places consulted during a navigation session in the mapping portal.

Description of the «position history» widget

[Note] Note


  • Max size of the list: you can define the number of possible «returns». Indicate the maximum size of the list summarising all positions archived.
  • Double-click to display all previous positions: the user can also make the list of all the positions consulted appear with a double click.
[Tip] Tip

Available in mobile/responsive mode.

This widget is not a button, but a drop-down list that suggests all saved map positions in the current Geoconcept map. If the user clicks on a position, the map is centred on that position.

[Note] Note


  • Create positions: authorises users, if the property is enabled, to create positions. These positions are saved in the user contexts and are administered from the context menu;
  • Edit coordinates: authorises users, if the property is enabled, to edit the coordinates;
  • Edit the scale: authorises users, if the property is enabled, to change the zoom level;
  • Multiproject access: authorises users, if the property is enabled, to save in the group of available projects. In the reverse scenario, the position is only saved in the current project.
Search around
[Tip] Tip

Available in mobile/responsive mode.

This widget allows you to search around the centre of the screen (or around my position if the Geoclocalization widget is enabled) for objects sourced by vector layers previously chosen in the widget settings. The centre of the screen can be materialised with an activated cross thanks to the Centre widget.

The appearance of objects found via this search, depends on a default style (default style for a search around).

[Tip] Tip

If the required style needs labels (via an SLD configuration) you will need to enable the corresponding fields in the definition of vector layer fields, by clicking on Display.

[Note] Note


  • Active layers: choose the vector layers containing the objects to search for;
  • Limit results to: set a limit on the number of objects;
  • Name field: enter the name of the field enabling display of the name field for the objects. Take care that the field name respects the database syntax;
  • Address field: enter the name of the field enabling display of the address field for the objects. Take care that the field name respects the database syntax;
[Warning] Warning

The Name and Address fields of several layers in the database must be named in the same way to ensure these two information items are displayed in the information form.

When the widget is activated, a first window prompts you to choose in which layer the user wants to find the objects in the case of several vector layers.

Search around widget: choice of the objects to search for

The list of objects found nearby appears. One click on one of the lines in this list allows you to view the object and activate the infobox.

Properties in mobile mode: Once the layer has been chosen, the result number of objects found appears at the lower edge of the screen, along with a Display the list button. When you click on Display the list, a list appears showing for all objects, the name of the object, and the distance to it.

Search around widget: list of objects found

Clicking on one of the lines in this list provides access to the object information form and a view of all attributed information available for the object.

Search around widget: information on an object

The Display the map button shows the position of the chosen object on the map. The Navigation button allows you to transfer the position of the object to a browsing application already installed on the terminal (Google Maps, Waze, HERE Maps, …).

The X button at the top right allows you to exit from this search and return to the Home screen.

[Tip] Tip

Available in mobile/responsive mode.

[Warning] Warning

Please note that due to a change in behaviour in the latest versions of most browsers, this widget will only function on portals using the https protocol.

This widget centres the map on the current user position. It can be used both on traditional type portals and on mobile terminals using either HTML 5 tags, or information about positions supplied by WiFi routers or again by GPS coordinates returned by various devices. A click on the widget or pressing on it will activate or de-activate it.

The specific configuration for mobile terminals is defined in Widgets mobile window.

[Note] Note


  • Zoom level: defines the level of zoom required when using the geolocalisation function.
[Note] Note

Properties of the mobile tab:

  • Activated by default: activates tracking when the mobile portal is loaded. This has the effect of automatically centering the map on the position of the terminal on opening the portal.
Layer spy
[Tip] Tip

Available in mobile/responsive mode.

This widget serves to display a layer that is not displayed. On activation of this widget a circle (porthole) follows the movement of the mouse and appears on the map.

Layer spy widget

[Note] Note


  • Porthole size: allows selection of the porthole size (small, standard, or large) allowing you to see the sub-adjacent layer.
  • Select the layer to analyse: the chosen layer will appear in the porthole when the widget is activated.

Communication, or publishing widgets

Widgets in the Publishing category

Screen shot
[Tip] Tip

Available in mobile/responsive mode.

The Screenshot widget serves to perform an export of the map in the form of an image. The latter will be saved in a directory that the user will define. By default, the screenshot will take the whole of the map’s footprint and save it in .png format.

[Note] Note


When the mapping portal is published and the “Screenshot” widget is activated, a new window proposes the following parameter settings to the user:

  • Choice of quality: choice of the image quality (screen, standard, improved).
  • Choice of format: choice of an image format (BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG)
  • Print area: manual definition of the capture zone. If the latter has been enabled, the user sees a fictitious imprint of the image size, and can adjust the imprint of the screen shot that is saved. Not available in responsive mode.
List of parameter settings available during activation of the Screenshot widget.

[Tip] Tip

Available in mobile/responsive mode.

This button offers the user an option to obtain a link on the map in its current configuration, that is, while conserving the current position as well as the layers displayed, and taking into account their transparency.

Share Widget

Mobile share Widget

From version 5.2 of Geoconcept Web onwards, the links generated are shortcuts and take the following structure:

http://[adresse du serveur]/[nom du projet]/easy/public/map2?token=0b737eb0-a14e-43a1-964b-c8912acb34e3.

The token is stored in the database in the gw_egw_map_context table with its associated description in JSON format.

Links generated with previous versions remain functional.

[Note] Note


To activate on a case by case basis:

  • Send the link by email
  • Copy the link
  • Copy the HTML code: specifies the iframe code enabling insertion of the map in its own web site.
  • Generate a QR code: to share the link with mobile terminals using apps that know how to read the QR codes. The link is "hidden" in the drawing of the QR code.
  • Twitter: to share on the Twitter social network.
  • Facebook: to share on the Facebook social network.
  • Google +: to share on the Google + social network.
  • Reduction of the URL with Bit.ly: allows you to obtain statistics on the number of clicks. To use this option, it will be necessary to create a bit.ly account and to fill the field called Access token with the ID supplied.

The Print button opens a image version of the map in a new browser tab (in JPG format). It is then possible to add a title to the defined text zone.

In the case where the user has opened an infobox on an object just before clicking on the Print button, this infobox is retrieved by the print tool and positioned to the right of the map for printing. The legend is also retrieved and displayed in the printout.

The Print button can be used to print the page via a printer, or to create a PDF via a PDF printer.

PDF printing
[Tip] Tip

Available in mobile/responsive mode.

This tool allows a user to create a PDF file of the map.

The frame sets delimiters for the print area. When you click on the frame, it can be resized or moved using the mouse.

[Note] Note


  • copyright: this is the copyright message that will be printed on the PDF generated; it is different from the one displayed in the mapping portal and saved in the Wizard,
  • logo 1: by default, this will be the logo configured in the Wizard. The administrator can choose (Administration/Rights/Companies) another logo that will be printed on the PDF generated without having to choose a logo here.
  • logo 2: a second logo can also be added to the PDF, by choosing the images required in the drop-down list,
  • Display legends: authorises users to display a legend in their page layout,
  • Default paper size: the chosen format, A4 or A3, is enabled by default,
  • Default orientation: with the orientation chosen, Portait or Landscape, is enabled by default,
  • Add default numeric scale: the numeric scale is activated by default, or not,
  • Add a graphic scale by default: the graphic scale is activated by default or not,
  • Add a North arrow by default: the North arrow is activated by default, or not,
  • Add the date by default: the date is activated by default or not,
  • Default image quality: the chosen image quality, screen, standard or improved, is activated by default,
  • Find data item: serves to retrieve information on an object located at the centre of the zone to print (for example, town name, parcel number etc…). To do this, a class/subclass/field of the Geoconcept map being used must be defined. To enhance the presentation, it is possible to add set text (for example, «Parcel number: 234», with set text «Parcel number:» and «234» as the result of find data item.

When creating the PDF file, the user can choose the following options:

  • Name of the PDF file: optional. If this field remains empty, a default name will be attributed,
  • Title: this serves to assign a title to the document,
  • Comment: a comment line can be added to the PDF, Disposition Section
  • Paper size: allows you to choose the print format as A4 or A3, depending on the templates suggested by the administrator.
  • Orientation: allows you to choose the orientation of the paper as Portait or Landscape, as a function of the templates suggested by the administrator,
  • Scale: this serves to define the print scale, by typing in the value in the text field. The Enter button at the keyboard, or the Refresh button validates the scale entered,
  • Image quality: this allows the user to choose the image quality generated in the PDF (low: 100 dpi, standard: 200 dpi, enhanced: 300 dpi). Display Section
  • Graphic scale: allows you to add a graphic scale
  • Numeric scale: allows you to add a numeric scale to the PDF,
  • Date: this option adds today’s date to the document,
  • North arrow: displays a North arrow in the PDF
  • Legend: this serves to add legends to the PDF. When this box is checked, the user needs to then select which legends need to be printed (selecting from all the legends for the activated layers),
Options when generating a PDF file

Options when generating a PDF file with the mobile version

[Tip] Tip

In the Geoconcept page layout, the elements must have the following names, in order to be taken into account when the PDF is generated:

  • map: map
  • title: title
  • main logo: logo1
  • secondary logo: logo2
  • North arrow: northArrow
  • copyright: copyright
  • scale in text format: scale
  • date in text format: date
  • commentary: comment
  • legend: legend
  • find data item: reverseData
  • set text: the name property should start with text (eg <page-layout-block kind="text" name="text 101" …/>), and the value property should contain the text to display in the page layout (eg: <block-property kind="string" value="Parcel number:" …/>).

These components are not necessarily present in the page layouts supplied with Geoconcept Web, so they should be added if necessary by editing the page layout XMl file.

If one of the elements Format, Orientation and with or without Legend is not present in the page layout templates, it will not be possible for the user to activate it. For example, if there is no page layout template available in A3 format, then the A3 button cannot be activated.

Quick PDF
[Tip] Tip

Available in mobile/responsive mode.

This tool serves to rapidly create a PDF file of the map. The PDF file just contains the map and the scale. Generating using this widget is faster than using the PDF widget.

External data Widgets

Widgets in the External data category

KML importation

It is possible to import external data in .kml format into the Geoconcept Web portal. To dislay these data, click on the widget and then on the Browse button to select the file to import. Then click on Add KML Layer to validate the import. The layers manager (simple or advanced) indicates a new line with the name “KML”.

[Warning] Warning

The addition of KM data is temporary: no saving of data imported will be performed. If the user wants to refresh the internet page, the KML data will have disappeared during reloading of the mapping portal. It will then be necessary to restart importation if the data must be displayed again.

Web portal
[Tip] Tip

Available in mobile/responsive mode.

The Web Portal widget enriches the project by giving it one (or several) access points to other platforms hosting geographic information. To activate this functionality, the user must first define the external datasource in the Composer that they wish to use.

When the portal is published, the widget functions in two stages:

  • A first left-click on the widget to activate the functionality,
  • A second mouse-click on the map opens the datasource defined previously in a new window.
Example of the utilisation of Google Street View

[Note] Note


  • Portal: The sources of available data are extracts from the following portals: Geoportal, OpenStreetMap, Google, Here, Yahoo and Bing.
[Tip] Tip

Available in mobile/responsive mode.

This widget opens a URL in a new browser tab. It is used in two distinct ways:

  • either a click on the widget opens the URL supplied under properties,
  • or, a click on the widget allows you to activate it, and then a click on one of the objects in the Geoconcept map opens the URL supplied in a Class/Subclass/Field in the map.
[Note] Note


If dynamic URL is not checked:

  • URL: allows you to specify the url of the site to open with a click on the widget.

If dynamic URL is checked:

the URL opens when you click on the map object as a function of the following properties:

  • Visible objects: when this parameter is activated, only visible objects (in the Geoconcept map view or visibility) are clickable, and in the event that they are not (the default behaviour) all the objects can be interrogated.
  • Class: specifies the Class in the map
  • Subclass: specifies the Subclass in the map
  • Field: specifies the Field containing the url.
[Warning] Warning

Available as a function of the version of Geoconcept Web

This widget allows the user to consult files in PDF format associated to a layer of geographic data.

Publishing of reports can be accomplished:

  • either from the Geoconcept GIS (via the menu option / Links / Webmaps / Publish);
  • or from the Reports lateral menu in Administration.

Having published the reports in Geoconcept, where the user will have taken care to indicate which project the PDF reports are to be associated with, the documents can be consulted in one of two ways:

  • by activating the Report Widget

Once the cartographic portal has been deployed, the user can click on the Report icon. A new window opens and shows the list of pdf documents associated to the cartographic project consulted.

Opening the window listing all the reports associated to a project

The user can sort the documents by clicking on the headers of each column so as to apply a sort in increasing or decreasing alphabetical order. Clicking on one of the red PDF icons (the right-hand column in the table) will start the process of downloading the associated document.

Depending on the configuration of your internet browser, the PDF file downloaded recently will open automatically. If it doesn’t doe this, it will be necessary to go into the Downloading directory to open the file manually.

[Tip] Tip

Important note: The name of the report must be unique. You can, of course, customise it to achieve a more readable display, by adding an underscore character "_" after the identifying part of the name, followed by the relevant string. For example, if the file is called "81005-001_Hospital.pdf" it is displayed in the report table as "Hospital".

[Note] Note


  • reports: if the user has the right to delete, they can select one or several PDF documents and delete them from the project currently under consultation.
  • by activating the infobox Widget

Another way of consulting a report is to interrogate a geographic object via the Infobox function. To gain access to the PDF document, the following three conditions must be fulfilled: verify as follows

  1. Has a report been associated to an object on the Geoconcept map?
  2. Has the reports field created in the Class / Subclass of the data layer been activated in the Geoconcept mini-information form?
  3. Has the report title been defined in the reports field?
[Warning] Warning

Important note: The name of the report must be unique.

If both these conditions have been fulfilled, the user must ensure that the data layer where the reports are associated is visible (checked) in the their project.

Clicking on the Infobox widget, the user can, by left-clicking on the geographic object, open the infobox form.

The PDF icon, when clicked on, allows the user to download the report associated to this object.

Example of a mini-form proposing a PDF document for consultation

[Tip] Tip

Creating an Alias for the 'Reports' field

In the Composer, the user can modify the name of the field indicating the presence of a report when this is displayed in the infobox or popup (tooltip) of a geographic object. For this to happen, the user must select the Tooltip widget and then click on Widget properties and change the name of the report field with the alias of choice.

Data selection widget

Widgets in the Data selection category

Query and Saved queries
[Tip] Tip

The Saved queries Widget is available in mobile/responsive mode.

Before you can exploit this functionality, one or several vector layers must have been created from Administration / Layers / Vector layers.

[Warning] Warning

Take care about the number of selected fields to display in the query result. The higher the number of fields to display, the slower the query will be to process and display.


The Query widget allows you to query objects contained in the different layers that have been defined previously. The queries are then performed 'on the fly'.

The user clicks on the widget and a window proposes a choice of:

  • the data layer to consult,
  • the style to associate to the result.

The next step is to construct the query. The query is built according to attributed and/or spatial criteria. The first tab allows you to define the field, the operator, the value. The second tab allows you to define the geographic parameters (Reference object, spatial operator…).

The Attribute query tab suggests the choice of a field, an operator, and a value. The Obtain unique values button helps the user by suggesting the list of unique values for the query field.

Once the parameters have been chosen, the + Add button validates the choice. Queries can also be combined.

Spatial query

Example of the query construction window

[Tip] Tip

Searches may be performed on fixed intervals. For example:

selection of objects with a field value of today

  • Selection of the field (this must be a date type field)
  • operator = equals
  • interval = day
  • value = 0 (0 = today, -1 = yesterday, -2 = day before yesterday, 1 = tomorrow, …)

selection of all objects for which the field value is less than one month

  • Selection of the field (this must be a date type field)
  • operator = before
  • interval = month
  • value = -1 (0 = current month, -1 = last month, -2 = the month before last month, 1 = next month, …)

The Spatial query tab serves to create a "topological" query, i.e. one that is based on one or more existing objects. The objects to search for can be included in the reference object, intersecting the reference object or objects, or located at a particular distance from the centre of the screen.

[Warning] Warning

Caution, a query created via the Query widget will not be saved. To do this you will need to go into the Queries lateral menu in the Designer.

Each query executed generates a result table that contains attributed fields that will have been selected previously. It is possible to add, for the numeric fields, a calculation line (count, minimum, maximum, median, average, sum). This table can be exported in .csv or .xls format.

Table displaying the results of a query

Finally, the user can modify the values of one or several objects sourced by a database. To edit the information, you need to click on one of the record lines in the table of results that you want to modify. When the line has been selected, it is highlighted in green. Clicking on the open the object form, a new window opens containing the “business specific fields” of the database, and enables editing of the information attached to the selected geographic object.

Once the modifications have been made, simply click on the OK button to validate the changes that will be applied directly in the dedicated table in the database, or click on the Cancel button to exit from the POI editing session without saving the modifications made.

Editing the data of an object from its form

Saved queries

This widget allows users to use queries pre-saved by the administrator from the lateral Queries menu in the backoffice. The user chooses in the list the query to execute, and obtains a table of results as with the Query widget described earlier.

(fr) Dans les propriétés du widget, il est possible de gérer l’ordre d’affichage des requêtes en les déplaçant par cliquer-glisser.

Object form
[Tip] Tip

Available in mobile/responsive mode.

Before you can exploit this functionality, one or several vector layers must have been created from Administration / Layers / Vector layers.

The operation of this widget is identical to the open the object form button described in the query widget. This allows you to open an editable form of a vector object when you click on it in the map. Only vector layers configured for this widget by the administrator are editable. It is possible to use several widgets of this type in a single portal, linking them to different layers.

[Tip] Tip

The chapter called Administration / Layers / Vector layers describes how to configure the form (fields to display, to protect, sequencing, input mandatory or not, …).

Editing the data of an object from its form

[Note] Note


  • Layers: allows you to choose from the available vector layers, one or several, for which editing is authorised.

This permits display of the current list of selected objects, either using a query, or using manual selection. The list can be closed and reopened so long as the objects are selected on the screen.

Selection by rectangle, circle or polygon

These widgets offer a selection functionality for point type vector objects by plotting a shape superimposed on the map. All objects present in the selected zone are then displayed in the map, along with the associated table.

(fr) cliquez un par un sur les autres fichiers à sélectionner. Vous souhaitez sélectionner tous les fichiers d’un dossier : Enfin, pour sélectionner tous les fichiers d’un dossier, utilisez simplement le raccourci clavier Ctrl + A.

There are two possible operating modes for this functionality:

  • a class of objects is already displayed in the cartographic portal: objects can only be selected in the Class already displayed using the selection tool
  • no object Class is displayed in the cartographic portal: using a selection tool makes it possible to select objects from all the available Classes
Category menu
[Tip] Tip

Avaiilable only if the Manage objects option is enabled (functionality available in versions up to version 7.5).

This widget makes available a functionality for displaying vector objects. The categories of vector objects are displayed in the form of menus with a drop-down list that catalogues the classified types for each of them. A click on a type of vector object allows display in the map of the said objects, superposed on the map. This feature also allows all vector objects to be displayed in a table when they are displayed in the map interface.

Data edit widget

Widgets in the Data edit category

These widgets allow the user to dispose of access rights, and to create, modify, or delete vector objects directly from the mapping portal.

Create points, Create lines, and Create polygons

For each of the creation widgets, the administrator determines a single layer. It is therefore necessary to create as many creation widgets as there are layers to edit. After creation of the object, the object form opens so the user can fill in values for the fields, and it is also possible to use an external form by calling it with a URL.

[Tip] Tip

To be edited, a layer must be visible in the portal. The user must be able, via the advanced layer manager widget, to display the layer to edit.

[Tip] Tip

Vector object selection tools or queries allow display of the Search result search result table. In this table, the Open form button can be used to edit object attributes directly.

To restrict editing rights in the Search result table, you will need to define editing rights for each vector layer, using the Groups authorised to edit this layer parameter in the Administration ▸ Layers ▸ Vector layers ▸ Single layer information menu

[Note] Note


  • Choose the layer: defines the vector layer to edit.
  • Display the form: permits display or not of the object form page once creation has been completed.
  • URL: if this field is filled, a form external to the application displays for the input of data.
Creating circles

This widget allows the user to create a vector object in the shape of a circle. An areal vector layer must be already present. The administrator defines a single vector layer attached to the widget.

Following activation of the widget, a click in the map allows you to define the centre of the circle. If the Draw radius manually option is checked, then a window prompts the user to enter the value of the radius, and if not, a second click allows you to define the circle radius with or without display of the radius (the option below).

[Note] Note


  • Display the radius of the drawing: when the circle is created, the radius will appear on the screen
  • Enter the radius manually: allows you to enter the circle’s radius manually
  • Choose the layer: allows you to choose from the polygon vector layers available, a layer for which creation rights are granted.
  • Display the form: permits display or not of the object form page once creation has been completed.
  • URL: if this field is filled, a form external to the application displays for the input of data.
Creating buffer zones

This widget allows the user to create buffer zones around selected vector objects (points, lines, polygons). A polygon vector layer must be available in the project at the outset. The administrator defines a single vector layer attached to the widget.

The first step consists of selecting one or several vector objects. A click on the Create buffer zones widget causes a window to open in which the value of the buffer zone can be entered.

(fr) La couleur de la zone tampon peut être définie dans les propriétés du widget.

Move, re-size or rotate a vector.

This tool allows you to move a line object, polygon or point, to re-size a polygon or line object, or to rotate a line or polygon object. The objects concerned belong to vector layers defined in the widget properties.

Activating this widget has the effect of transforming the cursor into a hand. Clicking on an object, square handles appear around the object: the cursor transforms into a double-arrow which can be used to re-size the object with a click-and-drag mouse action. Rotation is performed by clicking on the round handle situated at the bottom right of the object.

handles used to re-size or rotate an object

re-size an object

A simple click-drag-drop action moves the object.

[Note] Note


  • Layers: allows you to choose from the available vector layers, one or several, for which editing is authorised.
Deleting vector objects

Once the widget has been activated, a single click on an object allows the user to request deletion of the object. A confirmation message is suggested if this option has been selected under the widget properties.

[Note] Note


  • Layers: allows you to choose from the available vector layers, one or several, for which editing is authorised.
  • Display confirmation message when deleting an object: option to check if you want the confirmation message to display before deletion.
(fr) Modifier la géométrie

This tool allows you to edit polygon or line object geometry. For a point object, this is equivalent to moving the object. Once the widget has been activated, you need to click on the object and move along the line or polygon outline in order to either create an intermediate construction point, or move an existing point, or create a new construction point, holding down the Alt key while you click on the object.

Editing an object

[Note] Note


  • Layers: allows you to choose from the available vector layers, one or several, for which editing is authorised.
(fr) Dupliquer les vecteurs

(fr) Cet outil permet de dupliquer le ou les objets sélectionnés.

[Note] Note


  • (fr) Afficher une confirmation lors de la duplication de vecteur : option à cocher pour afficher un message de confirmation.
  • (fr) Afficher la liste de sélection après avoir terminé : option à cocher afin d’afficher, à l’issu de l’action, la liste de sélection avec les objets dupliqués.

Analysis widgets

Widgets of the Analysis category

[Important] Important

To use thematics, it will be necessary to:

  • create a 'GCIS Virtual Layers' Class in the map (the *.gcm, *.gcr files). The Subclass name and type are unimportant.
  • create a tab named EMPTY in which only the "GCIS Virtual Layers" Class/Subclass is visible;
  • create a tiled layer (of any name) in the administration Layers section / Tiled layers based on the 'EMPTY' tab in the map;
  • choose a numeric type field (integer or real) in the dialogue box.

The Thematics widget opens a dialogue box divided up into two sections.

Thematics Editor

The first section on the left allows choice of the information layer to be treated, that is:

  • the Class and Subclass of objects containing the information to treat in thematic cartography with the help of two drop-down lists;
  • the indicator allows you to choose in the list of fields carried by the chosen Subclass, the indicator to process. Click on the + button to validate the choice.
[Warning] Warning

Click on the gcweb-reference-img/guide-reference/widget_thematique_002.png button to invalidate the choice of field selected previously.

The right-hand section shows the different parameters for construction of a thematic analysis. Three display modes can be used to map the qualification data.

Analysis by colour gradient

Analysis by colour gradient on polygon objects

Clicking on the gcweb-reference-img/guide-reference/widget_thematique_004.png button, the dialogue box adjusts the parameters to define. The statistical method suggests choosing between two kinds of range analysis, one breaking down the statistical series into equal fill ranges, and the other, equal width ranges. The number of ranges must then be entered using the + or - buttons, or directly in the text entry zone. A choice of colours, using the brush provided, enables selection of the colour gradient to apply. The colour gradients possible, as suggested in the colour palette, are adjusted as a function of the number of ranges chosen.

A summary table shows one line per range associated to the colour assigned to the range. Each of the bounds can be edited to adjust the values as required.

Analysis with proportionally sized symbols

Analysis using proportionally sized symbols

When you click on the gcweb-reference-img/guide-reference/widget_thematique_006.png button, the dialogue adjusts the parameters to define. The statistical method suggests choosing between two kinds of range analysis, one breaking down the statistical series into equal fill ranges, and the other, equal width ranges. The number of ranges must then be entered using the + or - buttons, or directly in the text entry zone. The symbol shape is chosen in the list of simple symbols proposed. The colour palette is used to select a colour for the chosen symbol. The range bounds are editable with a view to adjusting the values. Finally you will need to assign the size of the smallest symbol, and so the one corresponding to the first range, before assigning the size of the largest symbol, or that corresponding to the last range. The + and - signs scroll the size values for the purpose of selection. They can be edited manually.

Analysis with symbols of the same size, and with a colour gradient

Analysis using coloured symbols

When you click on the gcweb-reference-img/guide-reference/widget_thematique_008.png button, the dialogue adjusts the parameters to be defined. The statistical method suggests two ways of breaking down the statistical series into ranges: there is a choice between equal fill or equal width ranges. The number of ranges must then be defined using the + and - buttons, or directly in the editable zone. The symbol shape is chosen in the list of simple symbols proposed as being available. The size of symbole chosen must be attributed using the + or - buttons or directly in the editable zone. The choice of colours allows, with the use of the paint brush, a choice of a colour gradient to apply. The colour gradients in the colour palette are adjusted as a function of the number of ranges chosen. The range delimiters or bounds can be edited so the values are modified.

Click on the OK button and the thematic analysis is created with the legend displayed at the bottom right of the screen.

[Warning] Warning

Using the project Composer, activate the Advanced layers manager in the standard widgets to view the thematic layer constructed earlier.


This function calculates isochrones or isodistances, either by clicking in the map, or from one or several selected vector objects.
You can also create several isochrones or isodistances (to a maximum of 5) in a single operation.

Possibility of creating several isochrones simultaneously

In the Composer, you can choose certain options that will appear subsequently during creation of the isochrone.

[Note] Note


  • Maximum number of points for which an isochrone can be generated in a single go: this parameter is only accesible to the administrator. It allows you to reduce the number of isochrones created at the same time.
  • Maximum authorised distance for an isodistance (in Km): allows you to indicate a value over and above which the isodistance will not be created.
  • Maximum authorised duration for an isochrone (in minutes): allows you to indicate a value over and above which the isochrone will not be created.
  • Confirmation while deleting an isochrone: allows to validate the deletion of an isochron.
  • Smoothing option to make available for the user: if this option is checked, the user will be able, in the isochrone creation window, to choose whether the isochrone or isodistance must be smoothed or not.
  • Holes option to be made available to user: if this option is checked, the user will be able to choose, in the isochrone creation window, whether the isochrone or isodistance can be made up of holes, or not.
  • Zoom automatically on the isochrones generated: this allows the user, if the property is activated, to zoom automatically on the isochrone(s) created.
  • Save isochrones in the user context: serves to save the isochrones created and to find them again next time the user logs in. By default, this parameter is checked. Note that user contacts can be managed via the context menu.
  • Default isochrone color: allows to choose here the default color proposed when creating an isochron.

The Road networks parameter available in the 1st isochrone button allows choice of the road network on which the isochrone calculation is to be based.

For each of the 3 buttons available in this widget, you can define the Label name but also the text displayed in the Button infobox.

The first button creates isochrones or isodistances. If no object has been selected, a click on this button transforms the cursor into a cross that is then used to click on the map at the chosen location to set the start point for the isochrone.

The configuration window then allows you to choose the options, and notably to choose between Isochrone and Isodistance.

Option to create an isochrone or an isodistance

The next step is to type in a distance or a time and choose the colour of the isochrone.
The + button allows you to validate the choice.
The - button allows you to delete the choice of creation of an isochrone.

Isochrone without any option

Isochrone with Smoothing options

Isochrone with Smoothing and Holes options

The Smoothing and Holes parameters are visible if these options have been made accessible in the widget settings window via the Composer.

(fr) Pour sélectionner un isochrone, il faut utiliser le widget Sélection par rectangle (ou par cercle ou par polygone) disponible dans la famille Sélection de données.

(fr) Pour supprimer un isochrone, il faut utiliser le widget Supprimer des objets vectoriels disponible dans la famille Edition de données.

Measurement widgets

Widgets in the Measurements category

[Tip] Tip

Available in mobile/responsive mode.

This widget allows you to trace a series of temporary segments on the map. The length of each of the segments, as well as the total distance covered by all the segments, display in a dialogue box.

[Note] Note


  • Line colour: enables choice of the line outline colour.
  • Text colour: enables choice of the colour of the text that indicates the distances.
[Tip] Tip

Available in mobile/responsive mode.

This widget allows you to measure a temporary polygon on the map. The polygon displays in a dialogue in square metres (m²) and then in square kilometers, as a function of the size of the area measured, or in ares (a) then in hectares (ha) as a function of the size of the area measured.

[Note] Note


  • Unit: the user can also choose the units of measurement (metric or hectare) in which they want to know the result of the area calculation.
  • Colour: enables choice of the drawing colour.

Annotation Widgets

Annotation type widgets

[Tip] Tip

Available in mobile/responsive mode.

[Warning] Warning

The utilisation of the Note Widget requires that certain configurations described in the Lateral “Note” menu

The Notes widget consists of two buttons:

  • the first gcweb-reference-img/guide-reference/egw-widgets-notes1.png activates or de-activates the display of notes that have been created in the portal,
  • to create a note, a second click is needed on the gcweb-reference-img/guide-reference/egw-widgets-notes2.png button. Clicking on the latter, the user can add a new 'Post-It' OR if a note has already been created, edit the latter and modify its content. If the user creates a new note, a window will open allowing you to enter:
  • the name of the author,
  • in the 'Entity' field, if this has been configured in the widget properties, an information item sourced by the Geoconcept map can be automatically uploaded if you indicate the Class /Subclass in which it can be found.
  • create a description,
  • append a screen shot,
  • import a document such as a photo, a PDF file or files in other formats.
Example of the creation of a Note


In mobile mode, the creation of a note differs a little, as in effect the activation of the Note Widget immediately authorises the input. Otherwise, for the rest of the procedures, the behaviour is identical to classical mode.

Example of the creation of a Note in mobile version

When the note has been created, it will display on the screen with the visual characteristics assigned when defined in the preceding steps. To de-activate the notes creation mode and hide all the elements appearing on the map, click again on the Notes widget.

Once a 'Post-It' note has been created, the administrator can access the note in the Geoconcept Web Administration, in the Designer tab, and then in the Notes menus. In this dialogue you will find the tools needed to filter all existing records, and to view the content of each 'Post-It item. Changes can also be made to content: for example, changes to status (which will automatically and simultaneously change the appearance in the portal), or choose another action; the user can also consult file attachments uploaded by users, or see the history of processing operations on the note and track step-by-step the details of changes made to notes.

[Note] Note


  • Entity label  label of the geographic entity chosen (Town, Iris area, Zone, …).
  • Creation status: default value when creating the note.
  • Send an email: sending of an email on creating the note.
  • Default Screen shot: Activates the default addition of the screen shot
  • Find the entity: activates the search for the geographic entity.
  • Class, Subclass and Fields: allows you to choose the geographic entity of the Geoconcept map to supply automatically during keyboard entry. For example, when creating a note, when the user clicks on the map, they can automatically upload the name of the town concerned by the new note. To do this, you must indicate the class, subclass, and the name of the attributed field in which the application will go and search for the information.
[Warning] Warning

In the framework of a utilization of a system field (common to all Classes in a Geoconcept map), you will have to use its name in English: Type = Class, Sous-type= Subclass, Nom = Name, ….

  • display button infobox: serves to change the name of the first button when the mouse passes over it (for example: See existing notes).
  • Edit button infobox: serves to change the name of the second button when passed over with the mouse (for example: Create or edit a note).

The Annotations widget is a functionality that allows you to annotate, draw, highlight information relating to the portal. It is possible to incorporate text, points, lines, as well as polygons that can be customised by the user as required (colour, thickness, font size).

The widget consists of a single button that when activated, is used to offer a range of annotation functions:

  • creation of a point,
  • creation of a line,
  • creation of a polygon,
  • creation of a text zone,
  • addition of points to a line or a polygon,
  • moving an annotation created (geometric or text object),
  • deletion of an annotation,
  • customisation of an annotation.
Example of utilisation of the Annotations widget.

[Note] Note


  • Number of columns: this enables you to choose the display used for the different tools as a function of the number of columns.
  • Orientation: orientation of the window containing these functionalities, deployment on the right-hand or the left-hand.
  • Save context: serves to save the annotations created and to find them again next time the user logs on. By default, this parameters is checked. Note that user contexts can be managed from the context menu.
  • Confirm deletion of an annotation: Confirmation message when an annotation is deleted. By default, this parameter is checked.
[Note] Note

In a portal, holding the SHIFT key pressed down, users can draw the annotations in either 'freehand' or 'lasso' mode.


This widget allows you to insert text in a web portal and to easily edit its appearance (colour, italicm bold, underline, etc) from the "Text" tab. it also enables display of the text in a dynamic manner:

  • either from defined variables;
  • or by retrieveing the values from fields of an object at the centre of the screen;
  • or by displaying the label for the active layer.

Defined variables

These variables need defining from the lateral menu Predefined text from the backoffice, and to be called from the "Text" tab by indicating the Name to display the associated value between two accolades as follows: {TITLE OF PREDEFINED TEXT}

Object at the centre of the screen

From the "Text" tab, click on the Parameter dependant on the map button to determine the Class, the Subclass and the Field. When the map moves, the text is updated dynamically, and displays the content of the field for the object situated at the centre of the screen. It can be used in this way, for example, as a localiser to permanently display the name of the town corresponding to the map position.

Active layer

From the “Text” tab, click on the Add active layer button. Used in tandem (simultaneously) with the single layer manager, it displays the name of the active layer.


This widget serves to insert a cross to set the centre of the screen when a search around is performed, for example.