
The application displays an address recognition tool.

For this, as a function of an address in the form (street number and street name, town, post code), a list of the nearest addresses found is suggested (this might be just one, if there are no errors present) along with their geographic locations.


Available at all times with Geoconcept Web.

The pop-up

The pop-up URL is: http://<serveur>/callcenter/Ext/

The pop-up is called by the test page present at the address:


The layer displayed in the map is configured in the server parameter

XML form and structure

The variables below must be sent to the pop-up via the POST method;

urlPost: URL receiving the geocoding results

userData: no matter what the data item consists of, it will be submitted without any modification to the results reception form. This data enables the master application to register a context, that could be useful for the return.

xmlData: the data to geocode in xml. The format is that of a SOAP geocoding query.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
       <gc:GeocodeRequest xmlns:gc="">
             <gc:AddressLine>25 rue de Toldiac</gc:AddressLine>

Retrieving the geocoding results

The choice of a user is returned via a POST query containing the following parameters:

userData: the user data passed previously

address: the address recognised in practise (note: does not include the number if the number was not present in the geocoding database)

city: the town recognised.

postalCode: the recognised Post code

x: the X position (in the projection configured in the parameter server, or in longitude if a WGS84 projection has been requested)

y: Y position (idem)
